

作者:         发布日期:2021-05-20     



李健,男,1983年1月生,山东单县人,中共党员,教授,博士生导师,林学院副院长。2006年7月毕业于山东第一医科大学,获学士学位;2009年7月硕士研究生毕业于南京林业大学,获硕士学位;2012年7月获中国林业科学研究院林产化工专业博士学位。西北农林科技大学高层次人才青年英才培育计划“卓越新星”,中国林学会林产化工分会第九届理事会理事,中国林学会林产化工分会第五届松香松节油专业委员会委员,国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部通讯评议专家,Journal of Natural Products、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Industrial Crops and Products等多家SCI期刊特邀评审专家。2020.1-2020.12在美国University of Michigan-Flint访学研修。







3.“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目“人工林非木质资源全产业链增值增效技术集成与示范,编号:2018YFD0600400”子课题 “松香松节油精深加工技术集成与示范,编号:2018YFD0600402”任务--“松香基纳米复合材料制备及阻燃性能研究”(60万元)起止时间:2018.06-2020.12

4.国家林业公益性行业科研专项“油用牡丹新品种选育及高效利用研究与示范”子项目 “牡丹籽油绿色提取技术及高效利用研究项目” (15万元)编号:201404701-5,起止时间:2014.1-2018.12

5.江苏省生物质能源与材料重点实验室开放基金(5万元)“松香基杂环杀虫剂的作用机制及构效关系研究” 编号:201404701-5,起止时间:2016.01-2017.12

6.西北农林科技大学“青年英才培育计划”卓越新星(30万元)编号:2452018031 “松香基噻吩杂环光活化杀虫剂的作用机制及构效关系研究” 起止时间:2018.01-2020.12










1. Pan Tao, Chengyu Wu, Jin Hao, Yanqing Gao, Xiaohua He, Jian Li*, Shibin Shang, Zhanqian Song, Jie Song*, Antifungal Application of Rosin Derivatives from Renewable Pine Resin in Crop Protection, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68 (14), 4144-4154.

2. Chengyu Wu, Pan Tao, Jian Li*, Yanqing Gao, Shibin Shang, Zhanqian Song. Antifungal application of pine derived products for sustainable forest resource exploitation, Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 143,111892.

3. Yanqing Gao, Jin Hao, Jian Li*, Zhanqian Song, and Shibin Shang. Structural Modification of Turpentine with Natural Chiral Preservation and Low-Risk Application Prospects in Crop Protection, ACS Omega, 2019, 4 (4), 6392-6398.

4. Yanqing Gao#, Yong Wang#, JianLi*, Shibin Shang, and Zhanqian Song. Improved application of natural forest product terpene for discovery of potential botanical fungicide, Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 126, 103-112.

5. Yanqing Gao#, Jingjing Li#, Jian Li*, Zhanqian Song, Shibin Shang and Xiaoping Rao. High Add Valued Application of Turpentine in Crop Production through Structural Modification and QSAR Analysis, Molecules, 2018, 23(2), 356.

6. Jingjing Li#, Jian Li#, Dejun Feng, Jingfeng Zhao, Jingrong Sun and Dagang Li*. Comparative Study on Properties of Polylactic Acid Nanocomposites with Cellulose and Chitin Nanofibers Extracted from Different Raw Materials, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2017, 3, 1-11.

7. Jian Li#, Jingjing Li#, Yanqing Gao*, Shibin Shang, Zhanqiang Song, and Guomin Xiao*. Taking Advantage of a Sustainable Forest Resource in Agriculture: A Value-Added Application of Volatile Turpentine Analogues as Botanical Pesticides Based on Amphipathic Modification and QSAR Study, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4(9), 4685-4691.

8. Yanqing Gao, Xiangrong Tian, Jian Li*, Shibin Shang, Zhanqiang Song, and Minggui Shen. Study on Amphipathic Modification and QSAR of Volatile Turpentine Analogues as Value-added Botanical Fungicides Against Crop-threatening Pathogenic Fungi, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4(5), 2741-2747.

9. Yanqing Gao#, Lingli Li#, Hui Chen, JianLi*, Zhanqian Song, Shibin Shang, Jie Song, Zongde Wang, and Guomin Xiao. High Value-added Application of Rosin as a Potential Renewable Source for the Synthesis of Acrylopimaric Acid-based Botanical Herbicides, Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 78, 131-140.

10. Yanqing Gao, JianLi*, Zhanqian Song, Jie Song, Shibin Shang*, Guomin Xiao, Zongde Wang, and Xiaoping Rao. Turning Renewable Resources into Value-added Products: Development of Rosin-based Insecticide Candidates, Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 76, 660-671.


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