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1. 农林鼠害及防治。利用3S技术、智能学习、农业物联网等新兴技术进行农林鼠害监测、预警及防治。

2. 生态恢复技术开发。以构树等资源植物为依托,开展植物-微生物联合修复技术研究。

3. 野生动植物资源保护与利用。以野生动植物为对象,开展物种进化、生态适应、资源利用研究。




1. 2019年,湖南省科学技术进步奖二等奖,湖南省人民政府;

2. 2019年,梁希林业科技进步奖三等奖,中国林学会;

3. 2019年,益阳市第三届自然科学优秀学术成果奖一等奖,益阳市人民政府;

4. 2018年,湖南省技术发明奖二等奖,湖南省人民政府;

5. 2017年,湖南省科学技术进步奖三等奖,湖南省人民政府;

6. 2016年,益阳市科学技术进步奖一等奖,益阳市人民政府。


近年,共发表论文 100余篇,第一作者或通讯发表论文60余篇,其中SCI论文27篇;申请发明专利9项,第一申请人授权专利1项,登记软件著作权3项;主编教材1部,参编专著 2部。代表论文有:

(1) Huang H, Zhao Y, Fan L, Jin Q, Yang G, Xu Z.* Improvement of manganese phytoremediation by Broussonetia papyrifera with two plant growth promoting (PGP) Bacillus species. Chemosphere 2020;260:127614. (通讯作者,IF="5.778," TOP);

(2) Li C, Zhao Y, Xu Z*, Yang G, Peng J, Peng X. Initial Characterization of the Chloroplast Genome of Vicia sepium, an Important Wild Resource Plant, and Related Inferences About Its Evolution. Frontiers in Genetics 2020;11. (通讯作者,IF= 3.258);

(3) Huang H, Zhao Y, Xu Z*, Ding Y, Zhou X, Dong M. A high Mn(II)-tolerance strain, Bacillus thuringiensis HM7, isolated from manganese ore and its biosorption characteristics. PeerJ 2020;8:e8589. (通讯作者,IF="2.379);

(4) Xu Z, Dong M, Peng X, Ku W, Zhao Y, Yang G. New insight into the molecular basis of cadmium stress responses of wild paper mulberry plant by transcriptome analysis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019;171:301-12. (IF="4.872," TOP);

(5) Huang H, Zhao Y, Xu Z*, Zhang W, Jiang K. Physiological responses of Broussonetia papyrifera to manganese stress, a candidate plant for phytoremediation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019;181:18-25. (通讯作者,IF="4.872," TOP);

(6) Zhang W, Zhao Y, Yang G, Peng J, Chen S, Xu Z*. Determination of the evolutionary pressure on Camellia oleifera on Hainan Island using the complete chloroplast genome sequence. Peerj 2019;7. (通讯作者,IF= 2.379);

(7) Dong M, Zhou X, Ku W, Xu Z.* Detecting useful genetic markers and reconstructing the phylogeny of an important medicinal resource plant, Artemisia selengensis, based on chloroplast genomics. Plos One 2019;14:e0211340. (通讯作者,IF="2.74);

(8) Xu Z, Ge Y, Zhang W, Zhao Y, Yang G. The walnut JrVHAG1 gene is involved in cadmium stress response through ABA-signal pathway and MYB transcription regulation. Bmc Plant Biology 2018;18:19. (IF="3.497);

(9) Yang G, Gao X, Ma K, Li D, Jia C, Zhai M, Xu Z.*. The walnut transcription factor JrGRAS2 contributes to high temperature stress tolerance involving in Dof transcriptional regulation and HSP protein expression. Bmc Plant Biology 2018;18. (通讯作者,IF="3.479);

(10) Huang H, Zhao Y, Xu Z*, Ding Y, Zhang W, Wu L. Biosorption characteristics of a highly Mn(II)-resistant Ralstonia pickettii strain isolated from Mn ore. Plos One 2018;13:e0203285. (通讯作者,IF= 2.74);

(11) Xu Z, Zhao Y, Ge Y, Peng J, Dong M, Yang G. Characterization of a vacuolar H+-ATPase G subunit gene from Juglans regia (JrVHAG1) involved in mannitol-induced osmotic stress tolerance. Plant Cell Reports 2017;36:407-18. (IF="3.825);

(12) Yang G, Zhang W, Liu Z, Yi‐Maer AY, Zhai M, Xu Z*. Both JrWRKY2 and JrWRKY7 of Juglans regia mediate responses to abiotic stresses and abscisic acid through formation of homodimers and interaction. Plant Biol 2017;19. (通讯作者,IF="2.393);

(13) Xu Z, Zhao Y, Li B, Zhang M, Shen G, Wang Y. Habitat evaluation for outbreak of Yangtze voles (Microtus fortis) and management implications. Integrative Zoology 2015;10:267-81. (IF="2.514," TOP)。






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