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2. 发现枣果实变大主要由果肉细胞层数决定的,果实膨大与GA3和Zeatin合成紧密相关,鉴定了GA20OX是果实膨大的关键基因。阐明了酸枣到枣驯化过程中果实变大的分子机制。

3. 针对枣树杂交果核含仁率低的问题,发现枣树中存在配子型自交不亲和行为,鉴定了控制枣树自交不亲和的基因位点,为克服枣树杂交育种效率低下提供了理论和技术支撑。

相关成果发表于PLoS Genetics, 2016.12, Frontiers in Plant Science、Planta、Tree Genetics and Genomes , 2016.6等期刊。


菌根共生是枣树适应盐碱等逆境条件的重要策略。课题组在生理和分子水平上深化了菌根共生促进K+吸收、维持叶中K+/Na+稳态的机制,发现菌根共生调控植物叶片脂肪酸代谢的新效应,深化了菌根提高枣树耐盐性的认识,为保障我国盐碱地枣产业发展提供了理论和技术支撑。相关成果发表于植物学国际著名期刊Plant Physiology(2022.5)、Tree Physiology(2023.1)、Genes (2019.10) 。也是枣树相关研究首次在Plant Physiology上发表。





1. “红枣良种选育及优质高效栽培技术研究”2011年获得陕西科学技术一等奖(7/11)



4. 2019-2020“美丽大荔人”称号。


1. He A, Ma Z, Li Y, Huang C, Yong JWH, Huang J*. Spatiotemporal, physiological and transcriptomic dynamics of wild jujube seedlings under saline condition. Tree Physiology. 2023; tpad001. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpad001

2. Huang J, Zhang C, Zhao X, Fei Z, Wan K, Zhang Z, Pang X, Yin X, Bai Y, Sun X, Gao L, Li R, Zhang J, Li X*. The jujube genome provides insights into genome evolution and the domestication of sweetness/acidity taste in fruit trees. PLOS genetics, 2016. 12(12), 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006433.

3. Ma Z, Zhao X, He A, Cao Y, Han Q, Lu Y, Yong JWH, Huang J*. Mycorrhizal symbiosis reprograms ion fluxes and fatty acid metabolism in wild jujube during salt stress. Plant Physiology. 2022;189(4):2481-2499.

4. Han Q, Huang J*, Long D, Wang X, Liu J*. Diversity and community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with  Larix chinensis  across the alpine treeline ecotone of Taibai Mountain. Mycorrhiza, 2017. 27(5), 487-497.4

5. Wang X, Liu J*, Long D, Han Q, Huang J*. The ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with  Quercus   liaotungensis  in different habitats across northern China. Mycorrhiza, 2017. 27(5), 441-449.

6. Liang T, Sun W, Ren H, Ahmad I, Vu N, Marya, Huang J*. Genetic diversity of  Ziziphus   mauritiana  germplasm based on SSR markers and ploidy level estimation. Planta, 2019,1-13.

7. Huang J*, Chen X, He A, Ma Z, Gong T, Xu K, Chen R*. Integrative morphological, physiological, proteomics analyses of jujube fruit development provide insights into fruit quality domestication from wild jujube to cultivated jujube. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021; 12:773825.

8.  赵南星, 韩其晟, 黄建*. 白皮松天然林外生菌根土壤繁殖体库. 应用生态学报,2017,28(12):3855-3861.

9. 李玉婷,任利慧,王媛,周爱英,杨维,黄建*. 设施栽培模式下‘冬枣’光合效率限制因子研究.园艺学报, 2023,50(03):647-656.

10. Zhang Z, Wei T, Zhong Y, Li X*, Huang J*. Construction of a high-density genetic map of  Ziziphus jujuba  Mill. using genotyping by sequencing technology. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 2016. 12(4), 76.

11. Qi Y, Zhao N,Liu J, Huang J*. Biochemical responses of ten ectomycorrhizal fungal isolates to manganese. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2016.12, 227:447.

12. Long D, Liu J*, Han Q, Wang X, Huang J*. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with  Populus simonii  and  Pinus tabuliformis  in the hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau, China. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6(1), 24336-24336.

13. Huang J*, Chen R, Li X*. Comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genome of four known  Ziziphu s species. Genes, 2017.8,34.

14. Chen R, Chen G, Huang J*. Shot-gun proteome and transcriptome mapping of the jujube floral organ and identification of a pollen-specific S-locus F-box gene. Peer J, 2017. 5: e3588

15. Huang J*, Han Q, Li J. Soil propagule bank of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Masson pine ( Pinus massoniana ) grown in a manganese mine wasteland. PLOS one, 2018. pone.019862.

16. Chen X, Chen R, Wang Y, Wu C, Huang J *. Genome-wide identification of WRKY transcription tactors in Chinese jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba  Mill.) and their involvement in fruit developing, ripening, and abiotic stress. Genes, 2019, 10.5 360.

17. Huang J, Nara K, Zong K, Wang J, Xue S, Peng K, Shen Z, Lian CL. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Masson pine ( Pinus massoniana ) and white oak (  Quercus fabri  ) in a manganese mining region in Hunan Province, China. Fungal Ecology, 2014. 9, 1-10.

18. Huang J, Nara K, Lian CL, Zong K, Peng K, Xue S, Shen Z. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Masson pine ( Pinus massoniana  Lamb.) in Pb–Zn mine sites of central south China. Mycorrhiza, 2012.22, 589-602.

19. Huang J, Yang X, Zhang C, Yin X, Li X. Development of chloroplast microsatellite markers and analysis of chloroplast diversity in Chinese jujube (  Ziziphus jujuba   Mill.) and wild jujube (  Ziziphus acidojujuba   Mill.). PLOS ONE, 2015.10.1371/journal.pone.0134519.

20. Huang J, Nara K, Zong K, Lian CL. 2015. Soil propagule banks of ectomycorrhizal fungi along forest development stages after mining. Microbial ecology, 69, 768-777.

21. 耿荣,耿增超,黄建,和文祥,侯琳,佘雕,韩其晟,龙东风. 秦岭辛家山林区锐齿栎外生菌根真菌多样性. 菌物学报,2016,(07):833-847.

22. 耿荣,耿增超,黄建,和文祥,侯琳,佘雕,赵军,尚杰. 秦岭辛家山林区云杉外生菌根真菌多样性. 微生物学报,2015,(07):905-915.


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