1. 发明了用于环保型纤维板的壳聚糖/木质素磺酸钠胶粘剂;
2. 开发了一系列采用壳聚糖胶粘剂的纤维板;
3. 初步阐明了壳聚糖/木质素磺酸钠胶粘剂的合成机理。
[1] Tianxiang Yuan, Wenxin Du, Kaiwen Bai, Dongxuan Huang, Nguyen Tat Thang, Jingjing Li, Xiaodi Ji. 2022. Preparation of an environment-friendly fiberboard with high mechanical strength using delignified wood fiber, Vacuum , 196.
[2] Chen Liu, Bingnan Yuan, Minghui Guo, Qing Yang, Nguyen Tat Thang, Xiaodi Ji. 2021. Effect of sodium lignosulfonate on bonding strength and chemical structure of a lignosulfonate/chitosan-glutaraldehyde medium-density fiberboard adhesive, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials , 4: 1176-84.
[3] Xiaodi Ji, Minghui Guo, Li Zhu, Wenxin Du, Hongbin Wang. 2020. Synthesis mechanism of an environment-friendly sodium lignosulfonate/chitosan medium-density fiberboard adhesive and response of bonding performance to synthesis mechanism, Materials , 13.
[4] Houjuan Qi, Xiaodi Ji, Cai Shi, Rongxiu Ma, Zhanhua Huang, Minghui Guo, Jian Li, Zhanhu Guo. 2019. Bio-templated 3D porous graphitic carbon nitride hybrid aerogel with enhanced charge carrier separation for efficient removal of hazardous organic pollutants, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , 556: 366-75.
[5] Xiaodi Ji, Yue Dong, Nguyen Tat Thang, Xueqi Chen, Minghui Guo. 2018. Environment-friendly wood fibre composite with high bonding strength and water resistance, Royal Society Open Science , 5.
[6] Xiaodi Ji, Yue Dong, Ruidong Yu, Wenxin Du, Xue Gu, Minghui Guo. 2018. Simple production of medium density fiberboards (MDF) reinforced with chitosan, Holzforschung , 72: 275-81.
[7] Xiaodi Ji, Yue Dong, Bingnan Yuan, Bin Li, Minghui Guo. 2018. Influence of glutaraldehyde on the performance of a lignosulfonate/chitosan-based medium density fiberboard adhesive, Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 135.
[8] Xiaodi Ji, Minghui Guo. 2018. Preparation and properties of a chitosan-lignin wood adhesive, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives , 82: 8-13.
[9] Xiaodi Ji, Minghui Guo. 2017. Facile surface hydrophobization of medium-density fiberboard (MDF) by silver deposition, Holzforschung , 71: 337-40.
[10] Xiaodi Ji, Bin Li, Bingnan Yuan, Minghui Guo. 2017. Preparation and characterizations of a chitosan-based medium-density fiberboard adhesive with high bonding strength and water resistance, Carbohydrate Polymers , 176: 273-80.
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