职称:讲师 学历:博士
1. 2011/9~2014/6,中国科学院大学,发育生物学,博士
2. 2007/9~2011/1,中国科学院植物研究所,发育生物学,硕士
3. 2003/9~2007/6,华中师范大学,生物科学,学士
1. 2014/7~至今,西北农林科技大学,林学院,讲师
1.漆树产业国家创新联盟 秘书长
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:拟南芥FLU蛋白负调控叶绿素合成的分子机理研究,主持人,2016/1-2018/12
2. 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目:漆树漆酶功能研究及利用,主持人,2021.01-2022.12
3. 国家重点研发计划:花椒色素形成及其代谢调控网络解析(子课题任务),参加人,2019.05-2022.12
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于1H-NMR代谢组学和转录组学的花椒种质资源研究,参加人,2019/1-2022/12
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,油菜中一个MYB转录因子调控ROS积累与抗逆的分子机制研究,参加人,2016/1-2018/12
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,用单分子方法研究G-四链体DNA/RNA 解旋酶的作用机理,参加人,2016/1-2019/12
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,植物5-氨基乙酰丙酸合成中GluTR及其调控蛋白的结构基础,参加人,2014/1-2017/12
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,向日葵新种质资源GIG2-CMS不育机制的研究,参加人2009/1-2011/12
1. Zhao Aiguo†, Ding Ruiwen†, Wang Cheng, Chen Cheng, Wang Dongmei*, Insights into the catalytic and regulatory mechanisms of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, a key enzyme of anthocyanin synthesis in Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Tree Physiology, 2022. DOI:doi.org/ 10.1093/treephys/tpac101
2. Jiyuan Xiao, Hangyu Bai, Qifan Wang, Haotian Wang, Hulamuaili Yizimu, Haitang Wu, Wuping Wang, Xiaohua Huang, Aiguo Zhao*. Qualitative profiling and relative quantitative analysis of compounds in light-harvested and shading-treated sumac (Toxicodendron vernicifluum) leaves and their antibacterial activity. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022. 188, 115595.
3. Aiguo, Z., Z. Meizhi, Production of 5-aminolevulinic acid from glutamate by overexpressing HemA1 and pgr7 from Arabidopsis thaliana in Escherichia coli. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019. 35(11): p. 175.
4. Aiguo, Z., D. Ruiwen, Z. Meizhi, Multi-enzymatic recycling of ATP and NADPH for the synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid using a semipermeable reaction system. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2019. 83(12): p. 2213-2219.3.
5. Zhao A, Han F. Crystal structure of Arabidopsis thaliana glutamyl-tRNA(Glu) reductase in complex with NADPH and glutamyl-tRNA(Glu) reductase binding protein. Photosynth Res. 2018. 137(3): 443-452
6. Zhao A, Fang Y,Chen X,Zhao S,Dong W,Lin Y,Gong W,Liu L*,Crystal Structure of Arabidopsis Glutamyl-tRNA Reductase in Complex with Its Stimulator Protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2014. 111(18):6630-6635.
7. Fang Y, Zhao S, Zhang F, Zhao A, Zhang W, Zhang M, Liu L*.The Arabidopsis glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR) forms a ternary complex with FLU and GluTR-binding protein. Sci Rep, 2016. 6:19756.
8. Chen X, Wang X, Feng J, Chen Y, Fang Y, Zhao S, Zhao A, Zhang M, Liu L*. Structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of Synechocystis magnesium protoporphyrin IX O-methyltransferase (ChlM). J Biol Chem. 2014; 289(37):25690-8
9. Ma T,Li M,Zhao A,Xu X,Liu G*,Cheng L*,LcWRKY5: an unknown function gene from sheepgrass improves drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis,Plant Cell Rep, 2014, 33(9):1507-1518.
10. Su M, Li XF, Ma XY, Peng XJ, Zhao AG, Cheng LQ, Chen SY*, Liu GS*. Cloning two P5CS genes from bioenergy sorghum and their expression profiles under abiotic stresses and MeJA treatment. Plant Science, 2011. 181: 652-659.
11. Chen SY, Li XQ, Zhao AG, Wang LJ, Li XF, Shi QYi, Chen M, Guo J, Zhang JC, Qi DM, Liu GS*. Genes and pathways induced in early response to defoliation in rice seedlings. Current Issues Molecular Biology, 2009. 11: 81-100.
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