通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学 林学院
2013. 9 – 2017. 7 东北林业大学 材料科学与工程学院 木材科学与工程专业 工学学士
2017. 9 – 2024. 7 东北林业大学 材料科学与工程学院 林业工程(木材科学与技术)专业 工学博士
2024. 12 – 至今 西北农林科技大学 林学院 木材科学与工程系 讲师
W Cheng,Z Zheng, X Li, Y Zhu, S Zeng, D Zhao*, and H Yu*. A general synthesis method for patterning PEDOT toward wearable electronics and bioelectronics. Research, 2024, 7: 0383.
W Cheng+, Y Zhu+, G Jiang, K Cao, S Zeng, W Chen, D Zhao*, and H Yu*. Sustainable cellulose and its derivatives for promising biomedical applications. Progress in Materials Science, 2023, 138: 101152.
W Cheng, Y Liu, Z Tong, Y Zhu, K Cao, W Chen, D Zhao*, and H Yu*. Micro‐interfacial polymerization of porous PEDOT for printable electronic devices. EcoMat, 2022, 5(2): e12288.
Z Zheng, W Cheng, G Jiang, X Li, J Sun, Y Zhu, D Zhao*, and H Yu*. Ethanol vapor‐induced synthesis of robust, high‐efficiency zinc ion gel electrolytes for flexible Zn‐ion batteries. Small Structures, 2024, 5(10): 2400180.
Y Yu, W Cheng, Y Li, T Wang, Q Xia, Y Liu*, and H Yu*. Tailored one‐pot lignocellulose fractionation to maximize biorefinery toward versatile xylochemicals and nanomaterials.Green chemistry, 2022, 24(8): 3257-3268.
D Zhao, Y Zhu, W Cheng, W Chen, Y Wu*, and H Yu*. Cellulose‐based flexible functional materials for emerging intelligent electronics. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33: 2000619.
Y Zhu, K Cao, W Cheng, S Zeng, S Dou, W Chen, D Zhao*, and H Yu*. A non‐Newtonian fluidic cellulose-modified glass microfiber separator for flexible lithium-ion batteries. EcoMat, 2021, 3(4): e12126.
D Zhao, Y Zhu, W Cheng, G Xu, Q Wang, S Liu, J Li, C Chen*, H Yu*, and L Hu*. A dynamic gel with reversible and tunable topological networks and performances. Matter, 2020, 2(2): 390-403.
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