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1) 芬兰Niemi Foundation, 课题Landscape level integration of biomass production systems for enhancing ecosystem services(主持);

2) 欧洲森林研究所,短期访问西班牙加泰罗尼亚森林科技中心,课题Zone specific adapted management schemes for multi-objective planning of ecosystem services(主持);

3) 芬兰Fortum Foundation,短期访问瑞典农业大学,课题Efficient land use scenarios for regional biomass production of multiple ecosystem-services at landscape level(主持);

4) 北欧森林研究SNS-133 SYNERGIES项目“协同作用:加强木材生物质生产与其它生态系统服务的可持续整合”(参与);

5) 芬兰科学院 UNITE项目“森林-人机交互-建设复原力、重新定义价值网络和实现有意义体验”(参与);

6) 国际能源署,项目 43,“用于能源市场的生物质原料”(参与);

7) 欧盟Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union ECOSERVE项目,Training Masters in Ecosystem Services Management in Protected Areas / ECOSERVE(参与)。


1) Xiaoqian Xu, Oskar Englund, Ioannis Dimitriou, Håkan Rosenqvist, Guangzhe Liu, Blas Mola-Yudego. (2023) Landscape Metrics and Land-Use Patterns of Energy Crops in the Agricultural Landscape. Bioenergy Research: 1-14.

2) Tahamina Khanam, Abul Rahman, Xiaoqian Xu, Blas Mola-Yudego, Md. Munjur E. Moula, Paavo Pelkonen. (2022) Assessing the awareness and willingness of European experts to reduce their carbon footprint in everyday consumption. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 97: 106889.

3) Xiaoqian Xu, Guangzhe Liu, Blas Mola-Yudego. (2022) Barriers and opportunities for bioenergy expansion in Chinese rural areas. Energy for Sustainable Development 70: 181-193.

4) Xiaoqian Xu, Blas Mola-Yudego, Mari Selkimäki, Xiaoning Zhang, Mei Qu. (2022) Determinants of farmers’ waste generation and disposal in rural areas of central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30(4): 9011-9021.

5) Blas Mola-Yudego, Xiaoqian Xu (共同一作,共同通讯作者), Oskar Englund, Ioannis Dimitriou. (2021) Reed Canary Grass for Energy in Sweden: Yields, Land-Use Patterns, and Climatic Profile. Forests 12(7): 897.

6) Xiaoqian Xu, Blas Mola-Yudego. Where and when are plantations established? Land-use replacement patterns of fast-growing plantations on agricultural land. (2021) Biomass and Bioenergy 144: 105921.

7) Yuanxia Zhang, Ying Lin, Xiaoqian Xu, Xiaoning Zhang, Mei Qu. Farmers' ecological conservation intention and behavior analysis based on theory of planned behavior: a case study in Min county, China. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology. Beijing, China. 2020.

8) Mei Qu, Guangzhe Liu, Yin Lin, Erika Driedger, Zsuzsanna Peter, Xiaoqian Xu, Yang Cao. (2017) Experts’ perceptions of the sloping land conversion program in the Loess Plateau, China. Land Use Policy 69: 204-210.

9) 徐晓倩, 刘光哲, 方义龙, 段俊平, 苏步军, 徐苏珍. (2017). 陕西省农户使用林业生物质能源产品意愿的影响因素分析. 西北林学院学报 5: 306-312

10) 徐晓倩, 刘光哲. (2016). 芬兰基于产业链的林木生物能源发展概况以及对我国的启示. 开发研究 5: 143-147.



ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7991-5622


Curriculum vitae

Xiaoqian XU, College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University (NWAFU), Yangling, China

Email: xiaoqian.xu@nwafu.edu.cn

ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7991-5622

Personal details

Dr. Xiaoqian XU, lecturer of Smart Forestry. Main research lines focus on on the smart forestry (forest management, GIS, GPS, remote sensing, big data, and Internet of Things), fast-growing plantations, and bioenergy. Interests entail the using of R and ArcGIS for spatial analysis and modelling.

Educations and degrees

2023. Doctor of Science (Agriculture and Forestry). Forestry, University of Eastern Finland, Finland.

2017. Master of Agriculture. Forest Management, Northwest A&F University, China.

2014. Bachelor of Agriculture. Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control, Northwest A&F University, China.

Work experience

09.2023 - now. Lecturer, College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University (NWAFU), China.

08.2022-12.2022. Doctoral Researcher, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Finland.

12.2021-01.2022. Visiting Researcher, Section of Landscape dynamics and biodiversity, Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), Spain

09.2021-12.2021. Early Stage Researcher, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Finland.

110.2019-11.2019. Visiting Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden.

Courses in autumn 2024

Intelligent Monitoring and Early Warning of Forest Fire (2ECTS), Northwest A&F University, China.

Previous teaching experience

42 hours teaching theory lectures in total.

1) Joint summer school, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Riveria and Northwest A&F University, themes of bioeconomy and sustainable natural resources management, 6 hours.

2) Academic Skills in Forest Sciences (1.5 ECTS), University of Eastern Finland, 10 hours.

3) Bioenergy Markets and Policies (6 ECTS), University of Eastern Finland, 10 hours. 

4) Supply and Energy Use of Lignocellulosic Biomass (6 ECTS), University of Eastern Finland, 12 hours.

5) Trends in European Forestry (5 ECTS), University of Eastern Finland, 4 hours.

Research projects 

1) Niemi Foundation. Project “Landscape level integration of biomass production systems for enhancing ecosystem services”. (hosted)

2) European Forest Institute (EFI) Short Term Mobility Grant. Project “Zone specific adapted management schemes for multi-objective planning of ecosystem services”. (hosted)

3) Fortum Foundation. Project “Efficient land use scenarios for regional biomass production of multiple ecosystem-services at landscape level”. (hosted)

4) Nordic Forest Research (Financed by Nordic Council of Ministers) SNS-133 SYNERGIES: Enhancing the sustainable integration of wood biomass production with other ecosystem services. (participated)

5) Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. “Training Masters in Ecosystem Services Management in Protected Areas / ECOSERVE”. (participated)

6) Academy of Finland Flagship UNITE (Forest-Human-Machine Interplay - Building Resilience, Redefining Value Networks and Enabling Meaningful Experiences, 337127). (participated)

7) International Energy Agency IEA Task 43 Bioenergy. (participated)

International collaboration

University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Mid Sweden University, Sweden

List of publications

A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles

1) Xiaoqian Xu, Oskar Englund, Ioannis Dimitriou, Håkan Rosenqvist, Guangzhe Liu, Blas Mola-Yudego. (2023) Landscape Metrics and Land-Use Patterns of Energy Crops in the Agricultural Landscape. Bioenergy Research: 1-14.

2)Tahamina Khanam, Abul Rahman, Xiaoqian Xu, Blas Mola-Yudego, Md. Munjur E. Moula, Paavo Pelkonen. 2022. Assessing the awareness and willingness of European experts to reduce their carbon footprint in everyday consumption. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 97: 106889.

3) Xiaoqian Xu, Guangzhe Liu, Blas Mola-Yudego. 2022. Barriers and opportunities for bioenergy expansion in Chinese rural areas. Energy for Sustainable Development 70: 181-193.

4) Xiaoqian Xu, Blas Mola-Yudego, Mari Selkimäki, Xiaoning Zhang, Mei Qu. 2022. Determinants of farmers’ waste generation and disposal in rural areas of central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 1-11.

5) Blas Mola-Yudego, Xiaoqian Xu (co-first author, co-corresponding author), Oskar Englund, Ioannis Dimitriou. 2021. Reed Canary Grass for Energy in Sweden: Yields, Land-Use Patterns, and Climatic Profile. Forests 12(7): 897.

6) Xiaoqian Xu, Blas Mola-Yudego. Where and when are plantations established? Land-use replacement patterns of fast-growing plantations on agricultural land. 2021. Biomass and Bioenergy 144: 105921.

7) Mei Qu, Guangzhe Liu, Yin Lin, Erika Driedger, Zsuzsanna Peter, Xiaoqian Xu, Yang Cao. 2017. Experts’ perceptions of the sloping land conversion program in the Loess Plateau, China. Land Use Policy 69: 204-210.  

8) Xiaoqian Xu, Guangzhe Liu, Yilong Fang, Junping Duan, Bujun Su, Suzhen Xu. 2017. Influencing factors of farmers’ willingness on using forest-based bioenergy products in Shaanxi, China  (in Chinese ). Journal of Northwest Forestry University 32(5):306-312.

9) Xiaoqian Xu, Guangzhe Liu. 2016. Forest-based bioenergy development in Finland from the perspective of industry chain and its implications to China ( in Chinese ). Research on Development (5): 143-147.

B. Conference proceedings (full-length articles) 

10) Yuanxia Zhang, Ying Lin, Xiaoqian Xu, Xiaoning Zhang, Mei Qu. Farmers' ecological conservation intention and behavior analysis based on theory of planned behavior: a case study in Min county, China. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology. Beijing, China. 2020.

Date of the CV: 12 October 2023

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